Anavar: The Science Behind This Popular Steroid

*This is not medical advice*

Anavar, also known as oxandrolone, is a popular oral anabolic steroid that has been used by bodybuilders and athletes since the 1960s. Here is an in-depth look at what Anavar is, how it works in the body, its benefits for physical performance and muscle growth, as well as its potential side effects.

What is Anavar?

Chemically known as oxandrolone, Anavar is a synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It was first developed in 1964 by pharmaceutical company Searle Laboratories (now Pfizer Inc.) and approved by the FDA for the treatment of muscle wasting diseases, burns, and chronic infection.

Due to its mild nature and low androgenic rating compared to other steroids, Anavar has become a popular performance enhancing drug among athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve strength, speed, and lean muscle gains. Its popularity further increased when it was revealed that oxandrolone was one of the steroids used by Arnold Schwarzenegger during his early bodybuilding career.

How Anavar Works in the Body

As an anabolic androgenic steroid, the effects of Anavar revolve around its ability to increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This leads to a positive nitrogen balance and better utilization of protein for building and repairing muscle tissue.

Anavar binds to and activates the androgen receptor (AR) in order to exert its effects. The activated androgen receptor then interacts with DNA in the cell’s nucleus to increase protein production and limit the effects of glucocorticoids on muscle tissue.

Glucocorticoids are catabolic hormones that break down muscle tissue. Anavar's binding to the AR inhibits the actions of glucocorticoids, promoting an anabolic effect conducive to muscle growth and fat loss.

In summary, Anavar works by:

- Increasing protein synthesis – Building bigger muscles faster
- Enhancing nitrogen retention – More protein retained for muscle growth
- Binding to AR – Activating receptors that boost protein production
- Limiting glucocorticoid effects – Reducing muscle wasting due to these catabolic hormones

Anavar Benefits for Bodybuilders and Athletes

Anavar is popular among bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts because it provides several performance and aesthetic benefits:

Increased Strength and Power

As a derivative of DHT, Anavar stimulates strength increases by supporting muscle hypertrophy and better activating the central nervous system. Strength gains enable users to lift heavier weights, sprint faster, and improve power output.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

The steroid enhances cardio capacity and endurance while also ramping up metabolism. This makes Anavar useful for competitive athletes looking to get more out of their workouts and boost speed, endurance, and metabolism.

Lean Muscle Growth

Anavar is one of the best steroids for cutting fat and retaining lean muscle mass. It prevents water retention, boosts vascularity, and helps bodybuilders achieve a tighter, harder physique. The steroid works best during cutting cycles when stacked with other fat burning steroids.

Weight Loss and Fat Reduction

In addition to its muscle building properties, Anavar speed up fat loss and weight reduction, especially around the midsection. Its fat burning effects make Anavar a popular choice for those looking to get leaner and more defined.

Mild Side Effects

Compared to other steroids, Anavar's side effects are relatively mild. Lower toxicity to the liver makes it a more beginner friendly oral steroid. Users are less likely to experience estrogenic side effects like water retention as well.

Anavar for Women

Due to its mild nature and low androgenic effects, Anavar is one of the few steroids considered safe for female use. Women use it in low doses to preserve feminine traits and enjoy fat loss, increased strength, and mild muscle gains with minimal risk of virilization.

Anavar Side Effects and Health Risks

While considered a safer steroid, Anavar's side effects should not be taken lightly and cycles should be kept at 8-12 weeks. Potential adverse effects include:

- Androgenic Issues - Increased facial/body hair, oily skin, male pattern baldness in those predisposed

- Cardiovascular Strain - Bad cholesterol (LDL), high blood pressure, heart strain at extended cycles

- HPTA Suppression - Low testosterone, impotence, reduced sperm production

- Liver Toxicity - Mild hepatoxicity, especially at higher doses and longer cycles

- Testicular Atrophy - Shrinkage of the testes can occur due to reduced natural testosterone

Proper post cycle therapy is recommended after any Anavar cycle. This involves slowly tapering off Anavar over several weeks while administering drugs like Clomid to help restore natural testosterone production.

A blood test is also advised to check for negative health impacts on cholesterol levels and liver enzymes. Adhering to recommended doses, cycle lengths, and recovery protocols can help minimize health risks. Advanced users may consider longer cycles at increased doses, but should get regular health checks and take necessary precautions.

Anavar Cycles and Dosages

Anavar cycles usually last from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on user goals and experience level:

- Beginner Anavar Cycle - 30-50mg per day for 6-8 weeks

- Intermediate Anavar Cycle - 50-80mg per day for 8-10 weeks

- Advanced Anavar Cycle - 80-100mg per day for 10-12 weeks

Anavar has a half-life of 8-12 hours so daily administration split into 2-3 smaller doses is optimal to maintain stable blood plasma levels. Higher doses can be considered for more experienced steroid users, going up to 120mg per day.

Most users start with 30-50mg per day, gauging their tolerance before increasing dosage. Anavar stacking with other steroids can also enable users to increase dosage due to synergistic effects. However, higher doses may increase the risk of side effects.

Post cycle therapy is recommended after any Anavar cycle. This may involve HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and HCGenerate to help restore natural hormone production, retain muscle gains and avoid estrogenic side effects.

On non-workout days and towards the end of cycles, some users reduce Anavar dosage to give the body a break while retaining some of its anabolic effects as the cycle tapers off. Lengthy cycles without breaks or proper PCT will increase the risks of side effects.

Anavar for Men vs. Anavar for Women

Due to its mild nature, Anavar is safe for use by both men and women:

- Anavar for Men - Doses of 50-100mg per day, higher end for advanced users

- Anavar for Women - 5-10mg per day for beginners, up to 20mg for experienced users

Women use Anavar in very low doses due to its minimal androgenic rating. Higher doses can cause masculine effects like body hair growth, enlarged clitoris and voice deepening in women. Men can tolerate higher doses with lower risks of severe side effects.


Anavar is a unique oral anabolic steroid that provides muscle building and fat loss effects. It builds lean muscle, increases strength, enhances athletic performance, and accelerates fat loss - especially for men and women looking for a “harder” physique. Side effects are milder compared to many steroids, but health risks should not be taken lightly. With proper cycling and post cycle protocols, users can safely gain from Anavar’s potent effects. Just be sure to get regular health checks and follow dosage and cycle length recommendations.

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