How to Grow Your Forearms

Having muscular, well-developed forearms is a goal for many gym-goers and bodybuilders. Not only do bigger forearms look impressive on their own, but they also contribute to that coveted "sleeve-stretching" look in a short-sleeve shirt.

While genetics play a role in forearm size, there's a lot you can do through targeted training to maximize growth in your forearms. In this nearly 3000 word blog post, we’ll break down the best exercises, rep ranges, and overall strategies to pack size onto your forearms and take them to the next level.

## Anatomy of the Forearms

Before diving into forearm training, let’s look at the anatomy of the forearms and the major muscles in this region:

- **Flexor Digitorum Profundus**: This muscle flexes the fingers and wrist and runs underneath the superficial forearm flexors.

- **Flexor Digitorum Superficialis**: A long forearm muscle that flexes the middle finger joints and wrists.

- **Flexor Pollicis Longus**: Flexes the thumb joints and wrist. Found on the medial side of the forearm.

- **Flexor Carpi Radialis**: Flexes and abducts the wrist. Runs along the lateral forearm.

- **Flexor Carpi Ulnaris**: Running along the medial forearm, it flexes and adducts the wrist.

- **Palmaris Longus**: A thin forearm muscle that flexes the wrist.

- **Pronator Teres**: Pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joint.

- **Brachioradialis**: Flexes the elbow joint and is visible as a large muscle on the lateral forearm.

- **Extensor Carpi Ulnaris**: Extends and adducts the wrist, found on the medial side.

- **Extensor Digitorum**: Extends the fingers and wrist. Located in the posterior forearm.

- **Extensor Digiti Minimi**: Extends the little finger.

- **Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis**: Extend and abduct the wrist. On the lateral forearm.

- **Supinator**: Runs between the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the radius, and supinates the forearm.

- **Anconeus**: Small muscle that assists with elbow extension.

Getting a stronger mind-muscle connection and "squeezing" these muscles during exercises can help maximize forearm training.

## Best Exercises for Bigger Forearms

Now let's get into the good stuff – the best exercises to add mass onto your forearms. Here are our top picks:

### Wrist Curls

Wrist curls directly target the forearm flexor muscles. To perform:

- Sit at the end of a bench with your forearm resting on your thigh, hand hanging off knees.
- Hold a barbell or dumbbell with an underhand grip, palm facing upwards.
- Keeping your forearm braced, curl the weight upwards by flexing your wrist. Focus on squeezing the forearm muscles during the contraction.
- Slowly lower back to the starting position.
- Repeat for reps, then switch to the other arm.

When done properly with good mind-muscle connection, wrist curls are one of the most effective mass builders for the forearm flexors. Go moderately heavy in the 6-10 rep range.

### Reverse Wrist Curls

Reverse wrist curls target the forearm extensor muscles on the top part of your forearms. To do these:

- Sit at the end of a bench with your forearm resting on thigh, hand overhanging knee.
- Grab a barbell or dumbbell with an overhand grip, palm facing down.
- Keeping your forearm stationary, curl the weight by extending your wrist upwards and squeezing the extensors.
- Slowly lower back down to starting position.
- Repeat for reps and switch sides.

Use an overhand, shoulder-width grip to maximize extensor activation. Overall, wrist curls and reverse wrist curls are two of the simplest yet most effective exercises for building forearm size.

### Farmer's Walks

This forearm and grip destroyer requires simply holding heavy dumbbells at your sides and walking for distance. To perform:

- Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and hold them by your sides.
- Walk for 20-30 yards (or as far as you can), keeping your posture upright.
- Turn around and walk back to the starting position.

Farmer's walks train the forearms isometrically as you grip the weights as hard as possible throughout the walk. Use heavy dumbbells around 50-80% of your 1-rep max for greatest overload.

### Plate Pinches

Another isometric exercise, plate pinches build crushing strength and forearm size. To do them:

- Load up a pair of small weight plates (5 or 10 lbs) and hold them together on their smooth sides.
- Squeeze the plates together as hard as possible for time - aim for 20-30 seconds per set.
- Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3-5 sets.

Plate pinches fry the forearms by requiring constant tension. Add time under tension as you get stronger.

### Wrist Roller

Wrist rollers provide eccentric overloaded to the forearms through extension and flexion. To do wrist rollers:

- Tie one end of a rope to a weighted plate or dumbbell. Tie a handle to the other end.
- Sit on a bench holding the handle with both hands above your head.
- Slowly lower your hands out in front of you while rolling the rope around the handle.
- Use your forearms and grip strength to control the descent.
- Once extended, use both hands to quickly bring the weight backup.
- Repeat for reps and sets.

Wrist rollers build serious forearm and wrist strength. Use a challenging weight for the eccentric lowering portion.

### Behind-the-Back Wrist Curls

This creative exercise hammers the forearms by removing wrist support and leverage. To perform:

- Hold a lightweight barbell behind your glutes with an underhand, shoulder-width grip.
- Keeping your torso upright and elbows at your sides, flex your wrists to curl the bar upwards.
- Slowly lower back down, keeping tension on the forearms. Don't swing the movement.
- Do for high reps, 15-20 per set to torch the flexors.

With no leverage or support, behind-the-back wrist curls demolish the forearm muscles for growth.

### Towel Pull-Ups/Hangs

Adding a towel to pull up variations intensifies grip demands and forearm activation. To do towel pull ups:

- Drape a towel over a pull up bar and grab both ends with an overhand grip, allowing it to hang freely.
- Pull your body up while gripping tightly to prevent the towel from slipping through.
- Lower under control.
- Do standard pull ups or dead hang variations this way.

Towel pull ups require a vice-like grip, challenging the forearms significantly more than standard pull ups.

### Heavy Rack Pulls

Rack pulls build incredible full body power and strength. They also tax the grip and forearms when going heavy. To perform:

- Set up barbell in a power rack at knee height or slightly above. Use overhand grip.
- Drive through heels and extend hips to stand up, lifting bar. Squeeze glutes and grip hard.
- Slowly lower back down, keeping back flat and bar close.
- Work in lower rep ranges, 3-5 reps per set, for forearm overload.

With heavier loads than deadlifts, rack pulls build tremendous grip and forearm strength when used properly.

### Fat Grip Training

Attaching thick fat grips to barbell and dumbbell handles hits the forearms by forcing you to squeeze harder to stabilize weights.

Some exercises to use fat grips with:

- Barbell curls
- Dumbbell rows
- Pulldowns
- Barbell shrugs
- Farmer's walks

Go slightly lighter on fat grip exercises and keep reps 8-12 for muscular endurance.

## Forearm Training Tips

Keep these tips in mind to maximize results from your forearm workouts:

- Train forearms at the end of workouts when fresh to maximize intensity.
- Use controlled eccentrics on curling movements to increase time under tension.
- Include some high rep burnout sets for muscular endurance.
- Avoid using wrist straps during heavy pulling exercises.
- Focus on squeezing and contracting forearm muscles during work sets.
- Increase volume gradually over time to spur further growth.

## Sample Forearm Workouts

Here are two forearm routines to add to your usual weight training sessions:

### Workout 1

Do 3 rounds of the circuit:

- Wrist curls - 10 reps
- Reverse wrist curls - 10 reps
- Plate pinches - 30 sec. hold
- Farmer's walk - 50 ft.

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

### Workout 2

Perform 3-4 sets of these exercises back-to-back:

- Behind-the-back wrist curls - 15 reps
- Towel pull-ups - 10 reps
- Wrist roller - 8 rolls
- Fat bar reverse curls - 12 reps

Minimize rest between sets, about 45 secs.

Experiment between workouts to find the best exercises and volume for your forearms.

## Wrap Up

Well-built forearms are the hallmark of a seasoned lifter or bodybuilder. Use the exercises and training tips in this nearly 3000 word article to take your forearms to the next level!

Which exercises have you found most effective? What forearm training techniques and intensity strategies work best for you? Let me know in the comments!
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